Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Weigh In/Workout Check

163.2?!?!? Really? Clearly I should NOT weigh myself on any day other than Friday, because I get my hopes up. I was 161.something on Tuesday.

Oh well, it's better than 165, which is where I started a couple weeks ago.

Also a bit of an epic fail on workouts this week:

Jog/walks: 1
Weights: 0
Yoga: 0

I had friends in from out of town this week, so I blame them!

Anyway, still plenty of time left in the month to make it to my goals. I am going to a Body Pump Express class at the gym after work today.

I have also decided to add one thing to my November goals -- staying on track with money and bringing my lunch to work 3 times a week.

So, here are the new goals.

November goals:

1) Workouts

Jog/walks: 9
Weights workouts: 6
Yoga workouts: 6

2) Stick to Weight Watchers 90% of the time

3) Stay on track with money and bring lunch to work 3x a week

1 comment:

  1. Bringing lunch to work 3x a week is such a good goal. I go in between buying and bringing depending on my mood because I have a bad habit of not eating all of the "healthy" food that I buy at the grocery store before it spoils. SO, I buy salad instead sometimes which is much less cost effective. I also recently left WW too... I was paying for it and not sticking to it...

    I'm guessing you can see that not-so-good pattern of me not sticking to things, sadly.
